1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write ten facts about themselves. You need to choose ten people to tag and list their names.
So, here are my ten, weird, random, little known facts or habits about myself.
1. I can eat just junkfood the whole day. Cheetos and Ruffle's are my favorite.
2. I loooove chocolate.
3. If i can have it my way, i can live with fried chicken everyday.
4. I've had a non-professional driver's license since 2000 but im still not driving ( I really need to practice na!).
5. Im not comfortable on wearing shoes--that is why i had to change to flipflops during our wedding reception. Im a flipflop girl!
6. I used to box at Sarreal and that's why i was so happy to see a boxing ring at the hotel gym where i had my wedding prep's (i have to go back to boxing since i have been gaining weight!).
7. I love blogging and i enjoy reading other people's blogs. Been blogging for 5 years now and have made a lot of friends too.
8. I am a graduate of BA in Business Administration major in Marketing and BS in Nursing. Im proud to say I was working and studying nursing at the same time.
9. Im currently addicted to Frozen Yogurt--Red Mango, Iloveberries, White Hat, Yoh-Gurt Froz. love them all!
10. But I love my twee the most.
Passing this tag to: Ajay, Maan, Janice, Carla , Hazel, Katherine, Suyen, Georgia, Mei, Apol
thanks sis! here is it na:
btw, i also love chocolates! and during our wedding reception I changed into flipflops too!
Hi sis! Thanks for the tag! :) Nice site! Will visit once in a while. :) Stay in love!
Hi Macy! Thanks for the tag. :)
#3 - true, true! I'm a friend chicken girl as well. :)
hi sis Macy!
I remember seeing your pictures at Atty. Fortun's Multiply! And I really liked the uniqueness of the concept.:)
Thanks for the tag!:) I'll answer it as soon as I can..;)
Best Wishes!
sis..funny.ahehhe. i tag u also with this cute blogger award - http://lornachiu.blogspot.com/2009/02/cute-blogger-award.html
oh btw, i super like your pacbride pic :)
hi sis!:) was just blog hopping..;) ehehe!! then saw this post and remembered I answered this na: http://jansbautista.blogspot.com/2009/02/cute-blogger-award.html..:) ehehe!! just sharing it with you!:) Thanks again for the tag sis!:) tc always! mwah!
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